Expand your investment horizons with Towne Housing Real Estate, your trusted advisor in Commercial Property Sales. Our established presence in Buffalo, Lockport, Niagara Falls, and Cheektowaga, NY, makes us your go-to experts for reputable and reliable property dealings.

Have a few loose ends that require a touch of professional care? Don’t search indefinitely for a “Handyman Near Me.” With our comprehensive handyman services, we are your all-in-one solution for all property-related concerns. Our team’s extensive skills range from fixtures to renovations, ensuring your property stands out and leaves a lasting impression.

For harmonious living spaces and profitable investments, our cutting-edge Rental Property Management is a top-notch choice. Be it tenant screening, routine check-ups or rent collection, we got your back.

We also offer industry-leading Property Management Services. Let us streamline your property operations with our strategic, all-inclusive approach. With us, you gain the peace of mind knowing your property is managed efficiently and profitably. Connect with us today and explore the limitless possibilities of real estate investment.