Get this. No matter how thick your plaid shirt is, or how much chilli you can stomach, if your heating is on the fritz during Omaha winters, you’re going to have a bone-chilling experience. That’s why D & K Heating & Cooling is your life-saver on icy days, specializing in heating service in Omaha, NE.

Brrr…Are You Feeling Cold Yet?

Don’t let icicles form on your nose indoors! Call in the professionals who keep Omaha’s hearths ablaze and homes cosy. With D & K Heating and Cooling we make sure your heating systems are purring like a warm kitten all winter long.

In summer, we’re your ice cold lemonade. When the sun starts setting hot rays on your rooftop and your AC begins sweating, that’s when you need D & K’s top-notch AC maintenance to cool things down.

No More AC Breakdown Sweats

No more sweating over potential AC breakdowns. At D & K Heating & Cooling, we believe that the best offense is a good defense. So, don’t wait for the heat wave to hit, have your AC units pre-checked with us today!