Rise and Shine: The Early Bird Gets the Roof

As an employee at Hart’s Roofing & Construction, my day starts bright and early. By 6:30 AM, I’m up and ready to tackle the challenges that come with providing top-notch residential roofing services in Portsmouth, Middletown, Tiverton, Bristol, Newport, and Warren, RI.

7:30 AM: Team Huddle

After arriving at our headquarters, we gather for our daily team meeting. We discuss the day’s projects, assign tasks, and review safety protocols. Today, we have two major jobs on the schedule:

  • A complete roof replacement in Middletown
  • Roof remodeling for a historic home in Newport

8:30 AM: On the Road

With our trucks loaded and safety gear checked, we hit the road. The drive to Middletown gives us time to discuss the specifics of the roof replacement job ahead.

9:00 AM – 1:00 PM: Roof Replacement Project

We arrive at the Middletown site and begin the roof replacement process. This involves:

  1. Removing old shingles
  2. Inspecting and repairing the roof deck
  3. Installing new underlayment
  4. Applying new shingles

The homeowner is impressed with our efficiency and professionalism, a hallmark of Hart’s Roofing & Construction.

1:30 PM – 5:30 PM: Historic Home Roof Remodeling

After a quick lunch break, we head to Newport for our afternoon project. Remodeling the roof of a historic home requires extra care and attention to detail. We work diligently to preserve the character of the building while ensuring modern roofing standards are met.

6:00 PM: Wrap-up and Planning

Back at the office, we review the day’s work and plan for tomorrow. We take pride in our roofing services and the positive impact we have on our local communities.

As I head home, I reflect on another satisfying day at Hart’s Roofing & Construction. Whether it’s a simple repair or a complex remodeling job, we’re always ready to rise to the challenge and deliver excellence in roofing.