Rise and Shine: The Early Morning Routine

As a technician at ClearView Services Plumbing & Heating, my day starts bright and early. I’m up at 6 AM, grabbing a quick breakfast and my essential cup of coffee before heading out to the office in Calgary, AB.

Morning Briefing and First Call

7:30 AM: I arrive at the office for our daily briefing. We discuss the day’s schedule, any urgent calls, and safety reminders. My first appointment is a heating service in the northwest part of Calgary.

8:15 AM: I arrive at the client’s home. The homeowner explains their furnace has been making strange noises. After a thorough inspection, I identify a worn-out blower motor. I explain the issue to the client and get their approval for the repair.

Midday: AC Service in Chestermere

11:30 AM: With the heating service complete, I head to Chestermere for an air conditioner service call. The summer heat is picking up, and many residents are ensuring their AC units are in top shape.

Lunch Break

1:00 PM: I take a quick lunch break, reviewing my afternoon schedule while enjoying a sandwich.

Afternoon: Heater Installation

2:00 PM: Back in Calgary for a heater installation. This is a bigger job that will take the rest of my afternoon. I work efficiently to remove the old unit and install the new one, ensuring everything is up to code and functioning perfectly.

Evening: Emergency AC Service

5:30 PM: Just as I’m wrapping up, I get an emergency call. A family in south Calgary has a completely non-functional AC unit during a heatwave. I head over immediately to diagnose and repair the issue.

7:30 PM: With the AC repaired and the grateful family cooling down, I head back to the office to file my daily report and prepare for tomorrow.

End of Day Reflection

As I drive home, I reflect on another busy but rewarding day at ClearView Services. Whether it’s keeping homes warm in winter or cool in summer, I take pride in providing essential comfort to the residents of Calgary and Chestermere.

  • Services provided today:
    • Heating service
    • Air conditioner service
    • Heater installation
    • Emergency AC repair

Every day brings new challenges and opportunities to help our community, and that’s what makes working for ClearView Services so fulfilling.