Welcome to Cape Cod Mechanical Systems

With 35 years of exceptional customer care and conscientious job performance, Cape Cod Mechanical Systems is your go-to provider for HVAC and electrical services in Cape Cod, MA, and surrounding areas. Here’s what you can expect during your first visit:

1. Scheduling Your Appointment

When you call to schedule your first appointment, our friendly staff will:

– Ask about your specific needs (e.g., Air Conditioner Repair, HVAC Installation, AC Service)
– Provide an estimated time frame for the visit
– Confirm your location (we serve Hyannis, South Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Dennis, and Barnstable, MA)

2. Technician Arrival

On the day of your appointment, our certified technician will:

– Arrive promptly within the scheduled time frame
– Introduce themselves and present proper identification
– Briefly discuss your concerns and expectations

3. Assessment and Diagnosis

Our expert will then:

– Inspect your HVAC system or electrical setup
– Perform necessary diagnostics
– Explain the issue and recommended solutions

4. Service and Repairs

Depending on your needs, we’ll proceed with:

– AC Repair
– HVAC Installation
– Electrical Service
– Routine maintenance

5. Post-Service Review

After completing the work, our technician will:

– Explain what was done
– Provide maintenance tips
– Answer any questions you may have

6. Follow-up

We value your feedback and may:

– Contact you for a satisfaction survey
– Schedule any necessary follow-up appointments

Remember, Cape Cod Mechanical Systems offers 24/7 assistance for emergencies, ensuring your comfort and safety around the clock.

We look forward to serving you and demonstrating why we’ve been the trusted choice for HVAC and electrical services in Cape Cod for over three decades!